April 16 – May 31, 2016
Nebraska Game & Parks – Turkey Hunting Permits
Book Your 2016 Merriam’s Spring Turkey Hunt with the Nebraska Hunting Company
The New Turkey Guide is available Find information on the Spring season as well as permit pricing and youth hunting information. Download your copy today
The return of the wild turkey to Nebraska, other states that historically had turkey populations and to states outside the turkey’s historic range is one of the great success stories of wildlife management.
The wild turkey was extirpated from Nebraska by about 1915. The modern history of wild turkeys in Nebraska began with releases in 1959. The population prospered, especially in the Merriams subspecies and hybrid birds, and the turkey’s range now includes most major river drainages and the pine ridge. Small, isolated populations are found in appropriate habitat outside the primary
The wild turkey is the largest upland game bird in North America. Adult Merriam’s toms taken in the fall season average 18 pounds and adult hens average 10 pounds. Hybrid birds can be heavier weighing more than 25 pounds.